Her house in Runcorn

Created by Ajparr 11 years ago
Mary was probably the only person to own an automatic washing machine in our road she was a very house proud lady always putting a coat of duel polish on her floors IF ANYONE REMEMBERS DUEL POLISH!! Anyway this one night she said to me ah av don't take your weekly wash to the laundrette bring it over and let my automatic do it ,we can sit back and enjoy a bottle of wine whilst its washing .she put the first load in and. Off into the lounge we went a bottle of wine later bob came in opened the lounge door and said to Mary WHY ARE WE FLOODED OUT IN THE KITHEN DINING ROOM AND HALL??well we both ran to see the mess and oh my god all her black shiny polished dueled floor had turned white because the automatic wmasing machine was,nt altogether automatic until bob plumbed it in .ca n anyone guess ??yes she forgot to put the drainage pipe in the sink so it washed and drained at leased 8 times how we cried a and laughed .i went back to the wash house .!!! Ne ver did she invite me back I MISS YOU MARY YOU WERE A True friend xxxxxxx